
Sam Burton

Bureau of Land Management’s Federal Helium Program

Field Manager for Helium Operations

Samuel Burton is Field Manager for the Bureau of Land Management’s Federal Helium Program He accepted the Amarillo Field Manager position in January 2017.

Mr. Burton started his federal career with the Federal Helium Program in 1985. Samuel has also worked for private industry and held several minerals positions in the BLM. Sam joined the program as a chemist working at the Exell helium plant gas analysis laboratory. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry from the University of Arizona and is a strong advocate for science education. Sam has worked for the BLM in the Milwaukee Field Office (Wisconsin) and the Santa Fe State Office (New Mexico). He is a graduate of the BLM’s Emerging Leaders and Leadership Academy programs.  Samuel has spoken on helium-related topics at industry conferences, the 2018 Gasworld helium summit and represented the BLM at the international European Industrial Gases Association (EIGA) conference in Brussels Belgium.  He has authored peer reviewed technical papers and helium-related articles.

Sam enjoys good science fiction, playing chess and computer strategy games. Sam’s favorite hobbies include working with computer systems, LEGO robotics, coin collecting, bird watching, gardening, and crafting on a potter’s wheel.

Burton, his wife Vicky and their two adult children Sarah and Ryan reside in Amarillo, Texas.

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